tisdag 22 maj 2007

And here they are...

May I present to you; The Stripy-left-over-yarn-sock! I used the yarn from Clessidra and the Fabel yarn that was left.


Photo of the first one, I only need to weave in the ends on the second one. Oldest sons toes on top of the photo.

fredag 18 maj 2007

New socks

A new pair of green socks are on their way. A bit of a left-over-yarns-put-together kid of sock. Pix soon.

söndag 13 maj 2007

Long time no see...

I haven't posted in a few days. There was not much to show. I have been busy with my own teeth, one sick kid (now feeling fine after a few days of throwing up) and house-buying-thoughts...

Finally my Clessidra knee socks are finished.

(crappy flash photo)

And my Thermal is moving along nicely. No photo today though.

torsdag 3 maj 2007

Feeling better...

I found a pattern for a headband, the Everyday Eyelet Headband by Suzen. I'm not used to wear these kind of things, but I thought it looked cute so I'm willing to give it a try.

Here is my plum / lilac Thermal, yarn looking blue once again.

I got hold of my dentist and I got an appointment this morning. He had to fill the roots of the tooth so right now my tooth feels great, but my head and jaw is still a bit achey.

tisdag 1 maj 2007

Tooth ache

I haven't done much knitting the last few days. I have been suffering from a really bad tooth ache. I had to go to the emergency dentist on Saturday. Two times! And now I have to eat painkillers all the time. I have an appointment to my regular dentist soon, but I need to changed it to "very soon", but with May the first and Valborg I can't get hold of him....

I have managed to finish my orange shawl and begin the Thermal sweater using the alpaca yarn I got from my Hemlis pal.